Manuscript Guideline

There are three types of SEATUC 2024 manuscript, each for Technical Session, Innovative Session and Workshop Session.

With respect to paper submissions, one or more authors should be from the SEATUC member universities.

Please see the below guidelines for each manuscript preparation.

1) Technical Session (full-paper peer-reviewed)

Oral presentation, full-paper peer-reviewed

Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers in English.

Submission should be in the form of PDF within four (4) to six (6) printed pages (10-point fonts) including figures.

Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers.

Only the accepted papers can be presented in the technical session as oral presentations and published in SEATUC 2024 proceedings.
Authors of selected papers will have a chance to submit extended versions of their papers to SEATUC Journal of Science and Engineering (SJSE).

Some papers may be accepted in the innovative session as poster presentations.

<SEATUC2024 Technical Session (Full Paper) format>

*There is no LaTex format.

*Formats for presentation will be uploaded at a later date.

*Track No. should be one of TS1-11. (ex. TS1)
Please select the number of your field from 1-11 on the Call for Paper.
Paper No. will be numbered after EasyChair upload, so please fill it in only when you submit a Camera-ready Paper.

2) Innovative Session (abstract reviewed)

Poster presentation, abstract reviewed
Authors are invited to submit work in progress ideas in English.
SEATUC 2024 also includes innovative session in which researchers can give a talk about and discuss their work-in-progress ideas, ongoing research, and experimental studies. Authors are requested to submit one (1) page abstract (with one figure accepted) in the form of PDF, which are then reviewed.

<SEATUC2024 Innovative Session (Abstract) format>

The authors of accepted abstracts will be able to submit their final manuscripts
(Camera-ready paper) in the form of PDF:

1) the same format as the technical session up to four (4) pages<SEATUC2024 Technical Session (Full Paper) format;
2) 6-up printed PowerPoint slides<SEATUC2024-presentation>;
3) 1-page poster presentation format<SEATUC2024-poster>,

*There is no LaTex format.

*Track No. should be one of IS1-11. (ex. TS1)
Please select the number of your field from 1-11 on the Call for Paper.
Paper No. will be numbered after EasyChair upload, so please fill it in only when you submit a Camera-ready Paper.

*Formats for Camera-ready paper and presentation (online) will be uploaded at a later date.
*Each presenter will be requested to print and bring his/her own poster for use in the presentation.

*Poster size: A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm, or 33.1 inches x 46.8 inches)


<Additional Information>

For accepted IS submissions, the abstract that underwent the acceptance review will be published in the proceedings. Additionally, for those submitted as camera-ready, we will compile them separately and plan to make them available with limited access to the authors and symposium participants.

3) Workshop Session 

Workshop organizers must submit a workshop plan in a designated form.

Once accepted, the organizers and the workshop co-chairs will coordinate the content and schedule.
The organizers who got their plan accepted can submit their abstract and will be published in SEATUC2024 proceedings.

<SEATUC2024 Workshop Proposal Form>

The participants of accepted proposal will be required to submit their abstracts for proceedings in the form of PDF.

<SEATUC2024 Workshop Session (Abstract) format>

*Formats for abstract and presentation will be uploaded at a later date.

*Paper No. will be numbered after EasyChair upload, so please fill it in only when you submit an abstract.

Submission Guideline

  1. All submissions are done online through EasyChair (Click here)
  2. If you do not have an account with EasyChair, you have to create one.
  3. When you submit your paper online, take a minute to select SEATUC topics which are closest to the contents of your paper. You are encouraged to select topics when applicable. This will help us to provide good quality reviews to your paper.
  4. When you initially register your paper in EasyChair, make sure that the list of authors and the paper title are correctly registered in the EasyChair registration page, which is identical with the uploaded PDF file. In other words, all authors must be listed in EasyChair at the registration stage in correct order, and they should not be modified at paper uploading and final camera-ready. If your paper submission fails to comply with this policy, your paper may be withdrawn from the review process.