7th International Workshop on Crowd Assisted Sensing, Pervasive Systems and Communications (CASPer 2020)
in conjunction with
18th IEEE Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
PERCOM 2020 (March 23-27th 2020)
Austin, Texas, USA
Crowd-assisted sensing and crowdsourcing, as well as their underlying pervasive systems and communications are a fast-growing research area and one of the enabling technologies of smart cities and smart infrastructures, as well as important building blocks in healthcare monitoring and vehicular technologies. Crowd-assisted sensing (often called participatory sensing) opens new ways for data collection which can enable the development of highly scalable and successful pervasive applications and services. Crowdsourcing applications are used to obtain services, ideas or some form of useful content from the human crowd, usually over the Internet.
CASPer 2020 intends, for the seventh year at PerCom, to provide a venue for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, discuss challenges and present their work and experiments to crowd assisted pervasive systems and communications.
We plan to build upon the success of the last six years’ workshops, which received positive feedback from the attendees, who expressed their wish to see it continue.
We hope to see you in Austin!
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: November 21th, 2019
November 11th, 2019 - Author Notification: December, 20th, 2019
- Camera ready due: January, 31th, 2019
- Registration Deadline: TBA
- PERCOM 2020: March 23-27th, 2020